When you need a fully rendered 3 dimensional digital visualization of your concept and/or animation of a virtual space, VirtualDesign.com has the tools, the talent and the time.

I have produced numerous 3D Architectural and Trade Show Exhibit designs and "fly-through" animations for a wide variety of customers from scratch as well as from client supplied CAD files. I utilize Discreet's 3D Studio Max as my primary 3D visualization tool.


Actually "seeing" in full 3D is a powerful communication experience, especially when it is in motion! Consider the power of 3D and animation when you want your message presented with the greatest instant impact of impression and depth of understanding.

Client: Oregon Pacific
3D illustration to showcase a new line of display fixtures and end caps for Oregon Pacific's full line of manufactured molding and high end lumber trims. Required modeling from manufacturing blueprints and mapping all the new POP graphics to the individual racks and laying out fixtures for various store layouts..

The design solution we provide you with can be simple or complex.
If you need Flying Logos, web sites, interactive multi-media
CD-Rom and DVD-ROM authoring and mastering,
or any type of digital graphic production, I can help you


Client: Miscellaneous Works-
Selected single frames from various client portfolios.
These are all samples from various animation and illustration projects I have produced using 3D Studio Max.


Client: Crystal Lake Multimedia -
Point of Purchase Interactive CD comparing wavetable and FM synthesis sound cards via interactive point & click demos.


Client: Best Buy Multimedia -
CD-ROM for Best Buy department stores featuring animated graphics and music to highlight the advantages of upgrading to a large screen computer monitor. This CD was designed to play all day in the computer department of the stores.

The design solution we provide you with can be simple or complex.
If you need Flying Logos, web sites, interactive multi-media
CD-Rom and DVD-ROM authoring and mastering,
or any type of digital graphic production, I can help you

Copyright© 2002, VirtualDesign.com

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